Sunday, December 12, 2010


Why do I say that gardening is magical? Because all you have to do is have the intent to garden and Nature literally rushes in. Plants love us and want us to care for them, and, in return they give us their bounty of nutrition as in the gorgeous bowl of mixed veggies I collected this morning. So, once again, I urge you to begin a garden, if you haven’t already. There is nothing like the magic of planting seeds and watching them sprout, grow, flower, fruit, and eat! And, it’s so easy to do.

Even if it is snowing where you are right now, you can still start to think about the garden you want to plant in the spring. Go on the web, or send for some organic seed catalogues. They are filled with gorgeous tantalizing pictures of all the things you would love to grow and eat. This is one of the most fun things about gardening; visualizing the vast fertile abundant harvest you will have. And even before that, the visual beauty of all those different colored leaves and flowers will lift your spirit and open your heart.

When your seeds arrive, you can plant them in 4” pots and put them in a sunny window. They will willingly sprout, and you will have a head start when it is time to plant them outdoors. There is nothing like the smell and taste of fresh herbs which are all fairly easy to grow indoors.

Now you may say, “I don’t have time.” But how long does it take to plant a few seeds and spray the surface to keep it moist until they sprout. Or, “I don’t have the space.” But now, you can garden in containers and it is fun and easy. They even have self watering pots now, which I have tried, and they work really well especially with greens like lettuce, spinach, collards and kale. They can all easily be started indoors and thrive in containers on your deck/porch or lanai depending on where you live.

But, you say, “What if nothing grows or I forget to water it?” These are just a few of the fears people have about gardening. Well, no worries. Nature has your back. You can’t do it wrong. Gardening is all about experimenting. Think about everything you plant as an experiment. I guarantee you will learn something about it or yourself in the process.

For example, this year I planted a lot of purple cabbage, because I love the color, and I was looking forward to mounds of pink cole-slaw. Well, it just didn’t grow as I had envisioned. And, it didn’t take long to realize that the summer weather was just too hot for it. It was beautiful to look at but it wouldn’t ‘head up’, as they say. Also, it was long past its due date of three months. I was feeling like a failure, when the insight came to me. It would be perfect for making sauerkraut! Wow! What a concept! My husband just happens to know how to make it, too. I suddenly remembered, it was his love of fermented food that had prompted me to plant so much cabbage, in the first place. Duh!

So, I harvested all the leafy stuff and presented it to him. He got busy right away and chopped it up. Then he made “a slurry”, as he calls it, which means anything he puts in the vita mix and churns up. This time he put about 2cups of beets I had pickled, about 3 tablespoons salt, and, of course, here on Kauai, we added about 1 finger of olena/turmeric, 2 fingers of ginger, and a few hot Hawaiian chili peppers. He then mixed the slurry with the cabbage and placed it in 1gal. white plastic bucket. On top of the mixture goes a plate weighted down by a glass jar filled with water. This keeps the mixture submerged; the liquid should cover the plate. As long as the cabbage mix is covered with the salty slurry, no deterioration can happen and the fermentation flourishes. It is now fermenting nicely in a cool corner of the house. Between the red beets and the purple cabbage we will have the most intoxicating fuchsia sauerkraut happening in about 7-10 days. Yum! And it’s so good for you. If you also happen to be a fermentation freak, or want more information on the process, see Wild Fermentation, by Sandor Ellix Katz.

So, you see, no matter what happens in the garden, you are always a winner. If you think of gardening like I do--as one big experiment after another--the magic will amaze you, and, you will want to keep on conducting experiments. It’s just that simple. This time I will plant my cabbage in the fall when it is rainy and cold. Well, cold is relative here on Kauai.

Keep experimenting, and the magic will follow.
Get growing and have some fun.

the magic gardener,
marissa henderson

Friday, November 5, 2010


Got a big holiday party coming up? Want to look like a million bucks, with out any of those pricy procedures?

Well according to new research called nutrigenomics, there are foods that can actually affect your genes. That’s right, you may not be stuck with your parents genes after all. In fact, certain foods can actually suppress certain negative genes you were born with and can actually activate genes that make us lose fat, defy wrinkles and make us look younger. According to Dr. Nicholas Perricone, dermatologist, and author of the book, Forever Young, there are many foods that can shift your genetic make up and keep you looking young.

We have all heard about the benefits of Green tea. But did you know that those antioxidants that fight off those nasty free radicals that cause wrinkles, are called catechins? Their ‘modus operandi’ is to fool the cells into thinking they are under attack, which in turn makes the cell produce dozens of protective enzymes that boost the immune system.

Coconut oil is another product he recommends which is fairly easy to find in health food stores. Even though it is a saturated fat, it is what we now call a ‘good fat.’ Because it is a medium chain fat, it can actually help you loose weight. Perricone also states that there is current data from work with Alzheimer’s patients that shows it can help increase memory. He suggests putting it in your tea instead of cream. I use it to make my luscious raw freezer fudge. You can find that recipe in my Valentines Blog.

I was quite intrigued to find Cinnamon on his list. Just 1/8 teaspoon, he says, has shown to stabilize blood sugar for up to two weeks! If your blood sugar is not fluctuating then those cravings for unsavory things that tend to put on excess weight will be a thing of the past along with its companion excess body fat. It also has powerful anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, but the most astonishing new findings show that it works against the deadly skin cancer, melanoma. Look for extracts coming soon to your local sunscreen.

Turmeric/Olena contains curcumin which is a powerful anti-inflammatory and a cancer preventative. You have heard me sing its praises before. It is the ingredient that makes all curries yellow. Just a tiny bit in your rice will give it that same yummy color. I also add it to all my soups and stews. And now it appears to be one of those ingredients that will help me look and feel younger.

Now, the new wonder food, according to Dr. Perricone, is Watercress. He says that studies out of the UK show that watercress can down regulate a bio chemical that drives breast cancer and is effective for prostate cancer as well. It also helps to clear up acne. Being a gardener I love this new information because watercress it is one of the easiest greens to grow. Just sprinkle some seeds into a pot or your garden plot and press slightly into the soil. You don’t even have to cover the seeds! Just moisten and sprouts emerge starting in three days. It likes full sun outdoors or a bright area indoors…so long as the heat is not excessive. Keep well watered. Once the seedlings are 3” tall, in about 12 to 14 days, you can harvest them daily with your scissors. Salad, soups and sandwiches all perk up with the peppery, pungent flavor of this tasty green. It also makes a great pesto!

Now here is the ‘piece de resistance’. According to Dr. Perricone, Salmon, which is full of omega III oils, has amazing regenerative affects on the skin. Eating salmon, with watercress salad, of course, for just 3 days in a row will give you dramatic results. He recommends the three day diet before any big event. He says your friends will be amazed and you will receive loads of compliments.

Well, I couldn’t just write about, I had to try it.

I made my idea of the traditional salmon dinner. I sprinkled the salmon with salt,
pepper, and chopped fresh dill; then sautéed it lightly in olive oil. 1 or 2 minutes per side is sufficient depending on thickness. But keep in mind that it will continue to cook and gets dry if you over do it. Look for that nice coral color which is where all the health benefits come from. I added a couple tablespoons of marscapone to the pan to create a nice creamy dill sauce. My watercress salad included tomatoes, peppers, and scallions from the garden and was tossed with a simple lemon, olive oil, salt and pepper vignette. Delicious!

I woke up thinking, “What? Is this diet going to make me sick of salmon before I’ve even begun to enjoy it?
“No, just make each dish different and you won’t get bored,” challenged my inner Chef.
“Okay so, what do you suggest?
“How about making Poisson Cru?” I heard.
What a brilliant idea. Poisson Cru is the French version of the Spanish dish called Ceviche. Both refer to a dish in which raw fish is ‘cooked’ by marinating it in lemon or lime juice. Again, it doesn’t take long with salmon, so you don’t need to drown it. You will know its ‘done’ when it turns a lovely shade of pink. Once that is complete, you may add any number of other delicious ingredients. I added: finely chopped garlic, hot pepper, sweet red pepper, mango, and micro grated ginger. Then I added just enough coconut milk with a splash of that new wonder ingredient, coconut oil to keep it together. Finally I added a handful of fresh chopped cilantro and mint. Mix all together in a bowl and season to taste with salt and pepper. It not only smelled heavenly but the colors were beautiful to gaze upon. Chilling allows all the flavors to meld. I served it on a bed of watercress which needed no dressing but added a surprising tang to the dish. Yum!

Now I was really up for something different and Watercress Pesto kept crossing my mind. How easy is that? Just pulse a clove or 2 of garlic with some dry roasted nuts, in your food processor or blender. I had some pine nuts on hand, but cashew, pistachios, or pumpkin seeds will do. Remember you’re not making nut butter, so don’t over due it on the pulsing. Next add about 2 cups chopped watercress and the juice of one lemon or lime and pulse again. You may need to stop and scrap down the sides a few times and add more lemon or line if you need to. Next you drizzle in 1 or 2 tablespoons of olive oil and pulse some more until you achieve the pesto consistency you desire. A pinch of salt will bring out all the flavors. You can also freeze this mix and it will keep for months.
Since pasta is a no-no on this diet, I went for quinoa which is high in protein and has a nutty flavor that would go with the pesto.
As for the salmon, I spread Dijon mustard on both sides and grilled it quickly. The flavors all came together nicely and it was quite satisfying.

As for my skin, I saw a marked difference in the smoothness. It appeared to have a translucence I hadn’t seen before. A pesky sun spot I was treating completely healed and I had a lot of fun creating new culinary delights.

Even if you don’t do the 3 day diet, that makes your skin glow, I highly recommend you get some of these new/old wonder foods into your diet; especially watercress. I’ll be writing more on that next time.

Bon appetite,
A votre santé,

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Flower Essences and Children

A friend of mine is having fabulous experiences making Flower Essences with her 7 year old daughter and I wanted to share some her stories with you.

First you may ask, what is a Flower Essence? It is the essence of a flower held in vibrational suspension in pure water and preserved with brandy. It is generally placed in a 1oz. dropper bottle and taken a few drops at a time under the tongue or in water.

But it is the essences part that is so fascinating and delves into the realms of how well the Plant Spirits know what is needed just for you.

When my friend first started sharing how to make flower essences with her daughter she was quite taken aback by the sense of authority that her daughter exhibited on the subject! She seemed to have no trouble communicating with the Plant Spirits at all. She knew exactly which flowers to pick and how long they needed to be in the sun and of course, the name of the essences rolled of her tongue with out the slightest hesitation.

Her first experience was on a week-end camping trip around a lovely lake. She immediately spied the lilies in the middle of the water and wanted to be taken out in her inner tube to choose which flowers wanted to create an essence for her. She carefully picked the ones she was guided to, brought them back and put them in a bowl of water placed in the sun. When it was time to go she demanded they be put in a jar because they needed more sun. At home she placed them on the railing of the porch. Her mom thought she had forgotten all about them, but a little while later she came back up the steps, focused on the jar and declared, ”Mom, the essence is ready and its name is JOY!”

Another time they were out in their garden where there was a profusion of blossoms and she asked her daughter if she should make an essence from them. The reply was an emphatic “NO you can’t!” Nevertheless my friend was still drawn to the flowers and approached them again sans daughter. This time she heard in her head…”You need to listen to your daughter!” She turned to go but then heard, “But wait, that is the essence we have for you. It’s called CONNECTION and it’s about listening on a soul level to what your daughter has to say.”

The other day she watched as her daughter approached her beautiful red geraniums in full boom and worried, just for a moment that her daughter was going to pick them. She let that go and watched as her daughter passed them by. So she called out, “It’s okay to pick them, honey,” to which her daughter replied, “Oh no, they said not to.”

To me these are beautiful stories of how the Plant Spirits are here to assist us in our evolution, and, healing emotional issues is certainly a part of that. So I hope that you will all go out at this glorious time of year when flowers are all in bloom and ask for some advice on what ails you. Believe me as one of my clients said, “This isn’t small talk, is it?” And yet the advice is always gentle and sometimes comical, making you laugh at yourself, of course!

For more information on how to make Flower Essences or to read what the Plant Spirits have to say, see my other blog, .

Please feel free to contact me with your questions or experiences.
Many blessing,

Saturday, July 17, 2010


That’s right; you really can grow your own drugs. The drug companies have been extracting elements from plants for their ‘patent medicines’ for a long time now. As a result, within approximately two generations we, in the west, have become a culture that views plants as purely ornamental objects. In most other cultures, plants not only supply groceries, but pharmacopeias, home improvement materials and even alcoholic beverages. We have become ignorant of the vast variety of plant uses, all the while still being quite dependent on them for our daily existence. They supply the air we breathe, the food we eat, and the balance of nature that keeps the planet’s climate in tact. They also source up to 50% of the worlds top drugs.

But you don’t have to be a scientist to understand the medical uses of the plants around you. And in fact up until a few short decades ago, it was the way every other culture on earth viewed plants. But science and reason want to sweep these views away as ‘old wives tales’ and mumbo jumbo, when in fact major drugs such as aspirin, morphine and penicillin, let us see that natural medicine is not that different from conventional medicine. I would venture to say that a large part of the world’s population uses plant-based remedies for their health care needs. They give us gentle ways to manage our everyday aliments and keep us in optimum health.

My own experience keeps broadening the more I read and experiment with different plants. As I live in a tropical Hawaiian culture I have been blessed to learn from native Hawaiians about their knowledge of plant healing, which includes if you have been following this blog, large amounts of hot peppers, ginger, turmeric/olena, and, of course, garlic. Recently, I read about a study that was done on ginger and how only 50 grams (about a handful) a day would relieve joint pain. So I started making a tea in the morning and eating the remains covered in honey as a snack all day. The results were miraculous! Of course I was cautioned in the article, that this was not a cure but a relief of pain. Well, works for me!

I also discovered Feverfew, a lovely plant in the chrysanthemum family, which relieves headaches, migraines, and arthritic pain. I recently purchase a plant, and plan to start using it. It is quite bitter, so I have to experiment, but like my Hawaiian kumu/teacher said, herbs are the warriors and reveal the “bitter truth”. You can’t send in a wimp to wipe out dis-ease. So, I have been more open to bitter, pungent, sour, and hot sensations. Bitter is also a known taste that assists the liver/gall bladder to create bile for its purifying job. Hot peppers/chilies, ginger, turmeric, garlic, all stimulate the whole system and increase blood supply to help the body heal.

Another herb I love is rosemary, and I read that it helps with memory. This remedy suggests you put 5 sprigs of rosemary in a bottle of good wine and let it sit for a month. Then drink a glass after dinner as a tonic. That is definitely on my list to try out.

So go ahead. Read a few books on herbal remedies and give then a try. Most are simple and easy to prepare, and, need I say, a whole lot less expensive than what the Dr. orders.

And, don’t forget the whole cosmetic beauty cornucopia that plants supply. Everything from fruit enzyme gentle exfoliates to body scrubs, and hydrating moisturizer.

You will be surprised at how much fun it is and delighted by the synchronicities the Plant Spirits love to bring to your awareness. Now, why was I attracted to that plant? Oh, because it heals that pesky thing that has been bothering me for too long.

Now is the time to find the root, leaf, stem or flower that will heal and revive your spirit. So get growing and feel free to contact me with your questions or discoveries.

the magic gardener,
Marissa Henderson

Thursday, June 10, 2010


When I asked the Plant Spirits about the Solstice, they said,

“It is either the height of our greatest growth or our greatest decline, depending on what hemisphere you live in. Either way it is a joyous time for us. We would like to share that joy with you. All you have to do in tune into the energy around June 21st and you will see what we mean. Many of you do rituals around the beauty and bounty of Nature and that is a good way to align with the frequencies of heath, wealth and abundance of all kinds.

Let Nature nurture you. Go out and sit under a tree or in your favorite spot and call forth the Plant Spirits to assist you in your own heath and well being. The more you can align your rhythms with that of Nature the more harmony you will find in your day to day existence.

Do you ever wonder why you feel such peace when surrounded by the beauty of Nature? It is because it is one of our tasks in being here; that is to create beauty, harmony and peace to all those who admire our physicality. And, in return some of you are impulsed to grow us, plant us and nurture us. Then we flower and fruit and give back to you. We like to think it is an equal energy exchange.

And, if you want to take it a step further and expand your awareness you will see that there is an even greater symbiosis between us. We take in the Sun’s energy and give off oxygen which you need to breathe and in turn you breathe out carbon dioxide which we ingest. So you see there really is a wonderful relationship between the two species. Together we create a balanced atmosphere for each other and many other life forms as well. Let us indeed celebrate the Sun’s path across the heaven which gives life to us all.

Around this same time the Sun moves into sidereal Gemini, the constellation that is nearest to the galactic equator. In fact, the feet of the Twins rest securely on the Milky Way. The Milky Way is a massive cluster of stars in which our solar system resides. This position is sometimes referred to as the Gate of Man. During this time it is believed that communication between the greater galaxies and our solar system/earth is enhanced. This is why one of the qualities of Gemini, and this time of year, is thought to be about ease of communication both mundane and ethereal.

This is a good time to make all those calls you’ve been putting off for one reason or another. Knowing the celestial Beings are with you can really make a difference.

So, do not be reticent about asking the unseen helpers to assist you in bringing harmony and balance into your life. This includes all things physical, mental and spiritual. Be specific, but be open; thus allowing the Universe to bring you the essences of your desires in ways far greater than you ever could have imagined.”

for more information or to obtain a channelling from the Plant Spirits,

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


What is a Magic Garden? What does it look like? How do you envision it? Is it all veggies or are there lots of flowers and herbs, too? What are your favorites? Can you see them all in radiant full bloom? Are they ripe and lush overflowing with goodness? What about all the butterflies and the bees buzzing around the flowers, doing their job of pollinating? Can you see and hear them? Is your heart beating a little faster now in anticipation of all that goodness? Is your mouth watering? It’s not only a treat for the taste buds but the visual appreciation for all that beauty, the smells, and the feel of it all that is overwhelmingly satisfying. And you created it!

Feel the love that the plants are giving back to you for all the love you gave to them during the growing season. See all the ripe tomatoes and cucumbers, and loads of lettuce and greens galore. Don’t forget the onions, scallions, chives, and garlic, yum. Then there are the beets and carrots, ready for pickling. Don’t you just love all the cosmos and marigolds, flowering among the herbs like basil, dill, oregano, and mint? And the cilantro; ah there is noting like the smell of fresh cilantro from the garden. No Mexican meal is complete without it. Well neither is an Indian or Thai for that matter.

There now, you’re in the right frame of mind. You’re already cooking and eating fresh from your very own garden. You have achieved a vibrational set point that matches the vibration of what you want to create. In other words you’re visualization has brought you into vibrational alignment or harmony with your garden to be.

But how am I going to do this? I hear you thinking. Remember, this is a co-creative effort. It is to your benefit to have all this wonderful organic food to go pick out of your garden, but think about the plants. It is also to their benefit to get you to cultivate them so that they can fulfill their life cycles, reproduce create seeds and keep creating better, even more luscious varieties for you.

All you have to do is go out to your garden space and sit quietly. Then you ask the Plant Spirits, sometimes referred to as Devas, if they will lend their assistance to your gardening. You have to ask because they can not help you if you don’t. It is a cosmic law. So don’t be afraid, just try it and see what happens. Think of it as an experiment. Often what happens is after you have asked you may not receive any kind of answer in a linear language like the one you speak. But pay attention to any pictures you see in your ‘minds eye’ or any flashes of insights you might receive, for this is how they communicate. You might just ‘get’ to do something and wonder now where did that idea come from. Well guess who is working with you?

In this process you are reviving your inner senses of imagination, intuition, gut feelings, hunches, and flashes of insights. All those things you were told not to pay attention to as a child as in ‘Oh that is just your imagination.’ Well, that’s right, it is your imagination, and it’s an inner sense trying to tell you something. Why not listen to it and see what happens. You just might be surprised.

For example, while I was writing this I ‘got’ that I would be better off putting my attention on creating another circular bed for flowers and herbs around my existing circular veggie garden rather than trying to create another garden along the straight fence that separates the property from the neighbors. As tempting as fences are…so many lovely things like to climb….the immediate vision I ‘got’ of flowers all in bloom around the veggie garden was tremendously expansive. I ‘got’ to start placing all my potted herbs and flowers plants about 3 feet around the outside of my existing circle garden as a beginning.

This made so much sense since I love the energy of a circular garden and the fence is visually toward the back of the house and I was having a hard time making it work. So I went right out and placed all my potted plants about 3 feet from the outer perimeter of the veggie garden. It was such a good feeling to envision how it would look all planted and with everything in bloom. I was ecstatic and I knew I was in total vibrational alignment with what was to come.

Then… left brain took over and said, “Well, you know you are going to have to borrow a roto-tiller and get help to dig those beds, don’t you?” I let out a big sigh and felt like a deflated balloon. Who knew how long that would take? I stared to lament my beautiful garden when I ‘got’ another picture. I clearly saw newspapers spread out on the ground, shaping the new circular beds. The papers were topped with chicken fence and the potted plants were sitting on top of the fence to hold it down.

Wow! Now that was something I could do myself and would not be too labor intensive. The grass under the newspapers would breakdown creating nice soil. The chicken fence would keep the wild chickens from scratching and making a total mess out of it. The potted plants would anchor it down and hold it in place until it was time to plant them. Meanwhile, I could start all my sunflowers and zinnias and other flowers and herbs in pots and by the time they are ready to plant they will have a nice root system going which will make transplanting them a breeze.

Voila! Magic Gardening at its best!

Visualizing what you want and asking the Plant Spirits for help. The Plant Spirits love you and couldn’t be happier that you want to create a garden. Why wouldn’t they want to help you? Just remember, whenever you come across a challenging or resistant thought like “How am I going to do that?’, it’s your left brain talking. Ignore it. Have faith and trust. Keep visualizing what you want and keep asking for help. Pretty soon you will be on to some great inspiration and you will feel elated! Rest assured they are there in spirit just waiting to be asked how, what, where, when or any other thing you might want to know. They really are a wealth of information once you learn to trust your inner senses as to how they are communicating with you.

So go for it! Dream big; Visualize; Ask; Allow; and watch how fast and fun it happens!

If you want to know more and/or be attuned to the Plant Spirits, I offer free 20 minute phone sessions. Just email me to set up a time.

Much love and happy gardening,
From the magic gardener,
marissa henderson

Sunday, April 4, 2010


The early Hawaiians believed in a number of herbal warriors, 4 of which are garlic, ginger, olena/turmeric, and neoi/hot chili pepper. They believed that if you need to fight off disease in the body you don’t send in the weaklings, you send in the strong, powerful, bitter (the bitter truth) warriors! The big guns, for big things, if you are choosing the natural way to fight things, like cancer, or just want to take preventative measures to ensure your health and well being. I could write pages on the outstanding, documented healing properties of each of these warriors, (perhaps another blog) but for now just a short synopsis of each ones most dynamic qualities.

Garlic’s health benefits are derived from the more than 100 sulphur compounds it contains. It is an anti-fungal, anti-virus, anti-biotic agent. It is very useful in the relief of bronchial coughs, asthma, and head colds. It also strengthens the immune system and lowers cholesterol levels.
Neio/hot pepper/capsicum contain thousands of bioflavonoids and carotenoids which heal heart cells and protect your heart. There is no other herb that can increase your blood flow faster than cayenne. It is also capable of stopping bleeding, both internal and external and is effective in lowering high blood pressure.
Ginger is a powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant and provides substantial pain relief without the side effects of over-the-counter medicines, like ibuprofen. It is also the number one cure for digestive disorders including nausea, indigestion, heartburn, and vomiting. It also is most effective for cureing the symptoms of the common cold.
Olena/turmeric contains curcumin, which prevents degeneration of tissue, possibly extending the life span of our bodies. It is also a powerful anti-tumor, anti-spasmodic, anti-septic, anti-inflammatory, and anti-carcinogenetic. It helps the body in many ways to heal and protect itself naturally. It may also assist in balancing hormone levels.

Each spring I like to do a juice fast which includes these fabulous warriors. It gives the digestive system a rest as it cleanses the body with fresh squeezed fruit and vegetable juices and flushes the body of toxins. It also helps to drop a few [sometimes more than a few] pounds of winter fat that likes to collect around the waist and hips. The fast includes a bowel cleanse, a liver/gallbladder cleanse, and a kidney/bladder cleanse.

Fasting always sounds so drastic. One congers up pictures of skin and bones and the feeling of starvation. Well, it really is not that like that at all. In fact it is quite easy, and even enjoyable, knowing you are doing something for your body, and from my experience I know that the pot of gold at the end of increased health and well being is always worth the journey.

First of all, you don’t get hungry because you are drinking lots of fresh squeezed organic fruit and vegetable juices which are full of vitamins, mineral and natural sugars to stave off hunger. You also put psyllium in your ‘shakes’ which adds bulk and keeps you feeling full while it gently cleans out your intestines.

That’s the morning routine and then in the afternoon you get to make a big pot of organic vegetable broth which is delicious and nutritious. You simple add all your favorite veggies (plus garlic, ginger, olena[turmeric] and hot pepper, 4 of the Hawaiian healing worriers) to a big pot of purified water. Bring to a boil and then simmer for an hour until the veggies are soft and have given all their nutrients to the broth. Then you drink the broth only. Yummm!

This is so delicious, and the color is magnificent, especially if you have added red cabbage or beets to the mix. And, if you get really hungry, you may also eat some of the cooked veggies, but after a few days you won’t even crave those. Another trick we use sometimes, if we get too hungry, is to put some of the soup in the blender or vita mix and puree it. The idea is to give your body a rest from chewing and heavy digesting so it can get on with the cleansing.

Of course, all throughout the cleanse you must drink massive amounts of water to flush out the toxins.

Now, I’ll give you a short description of each cleanse which you may do for as little as 3 days each, or as much as 5 days each, depending on your body and your specific needs.

If you have never done a bowel cleanse before, I highly recommend doing the bowel cleanse for at least 3 days, so that you really feel cleaned out and high on the process. It consists mainly of drinking 4 or 5 psyllium shakes during the day. These can be made with 8 oz fresh fruit (apple is my favorite) or vegetable (carrot is my favorite) juice, 1Tablespoon psyllium, 1Tablespoon benenite clay, and 8 oz purified water. You may also add banana, mango, papaya, or any other yummy fruit. Put all ingredients in the blender and mix until liquid.

Along with this you take a quality herbal laxative supplement to keep things moving through.

You need to drink it down fast because the psyllium will ‘go off’ and get thick if you wait then you have applesauce. Be sure to drink another glass of water with your shake.
All day you will be drinking your fresh squeezed juices and in the late afternoon or evening you will be drinking your broth for more liquid and always more water.

Now that wasn’t so bad was it?

For the liver/gall bladder cleanse. First thing in the morning you do your liver flush, which consist of 8 oz fresh citrus (orange or grapefruit) juice, to which you add, 1inch of ginger, 1 clove garlic, and 1/2 inch Olena, along with 1 Tablespoon of organic olive oil. Mix it all up in the blender and drink it down quick!

Along with this you need to do one intestinal ‘shake’ sometime during the day just to keep things moving because the liver will dump toxins into the intestines to be removed.

Continue with fresh fruit and veggie juices and broth in the later part of the day.
It also helps to drink herbal teas that are bitter, like dandelion, because bitter stimulates bile production in the liver, which is good.

Now the fun part! Each day of the liver/gallbladder cleanse, you add one more helping of garlic, ginger, olena/turmeric and olive oil. In other words on the second day you add 2 cloves of garlic, 2 inches of ginger, 1 inch of olena/turmeric, and 2 T of olive oil. On the third day 3 cloves garlic, etc., you get the picture. It really is not so bad when you consider what these warriors are doing for you.

Last, but not least, is the kidney/bladder cleanse. This is the same basic process. The only difference is in the morning instead of liver flush drink you make up what many people know as the Master Cleanser:
8oz purified water, juice of one lemon, 1Tbls. maple syrup, dash of hot pepper/neoi.
You drink this all day long along with 1 intestinal shake a day, to keep things moving, and broth in the evening.

There you have it! Take as long or short as you like, just give it a try. Even if you only did one day a week you are giving your body the rest it needs and the signal that you want a healthy body.

And like I said; the pot of gold, is lost weight, eliminated toxins, looking younger, feeling brighter, lighter, more euphoric, filled with energy and enthusiasm. Believe me, it is worth it, and, it is what keeps me coming back to these cleanses at least once a year if not more.

If you want to know more or have any questions feel free to email me at .

Since it is spring and time to plant your seeds and seedlings, I’m offering 20 minute free garden consultation.

Happy new beginnings,
Marissa, the magic gardener.

Sunday, February 28, 2010



Who are the first harbingers of spring? Why bulbs, of course.

If you were lucky enough to plant them in the fall, you would be rewarded with their presence now, appearing thru chilly winds, icy rains, and slushy snow in the spring.

They are like a beautiful intention that you keep buried in your heart. You plant them in the fall when all else appears to be dying. And, even though it looks like no more than a meager onion, in your mind you are holding the vision of a beautiful flower appearing in your future.

Once, I took care of a big estate garden and each fall it seemed I needed to order more and more bulbs. At first I tried to create color combinations that I thought would be pleasing but I soon lost track of which of those 500 dirty little brown things was which color.

So, I ‘got’…… (you’ll see me write that word a lot. It is basically a synonym for “I surrender. Please show me what to do.”).

So, I ‘got’……to simply mix them all together in a box and pull them out randomly, as if I was pulling a card from an oracle deck. I was “assured” that they would all find their perfect places. Being a big fan of oracle cards of all sorts and knowing the magic they can bring to your life, I proceeded with a whole new joyous outlook with visions of a multitude of magnificent colors and textures.

Needless to say, in the spring came a superb display of Nature far beyond anything I could have contemplated or created on my own.

Now I live in Hawaii, and believe it or not, we do have many garden challenges, or, shall I say, "deep moments of surrender to Nature".

This year I received an Amaryllis bulb for the holidays and it brought back all those fond memories of planting hundreds of bulbs. Only now I have one beauty which I put in a lovely pot on my lanai table. I watched it everyday and had the sensation that I could actually see it growing. I photographed it daily, too. There was great cause for celebration when it opened and I vowed to buy many more this fall.

So, you are probably thinking why not tell us this in the fall so we can plant bulbs, and the answer is yes, I will remind you again.

You see, life and nature are full of cycles, and, just like the sign of yin and yang, each season contains the other. So even though it’s spring the fall energy is there.

What do you do in spring to ensure a fabulous fall…plant a garden!! The rewards are great not only in the quality of food you will eat, but also in the peace and harmony gardens bring into our life.

Want help?
Email me at for free 20 minute consultation.
No garden is too big or too small. It is better than to have none at all.
happy gardening

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Raw Cocoa Kisses


It’s raw, it’s easy, it’s sexy, and, it’s healthy!
How does it get any better than this?

Let’s start:
Raw? That means no cooking, no messy pot or pans.
Easy? Just mixing a few ingredients in a bowl.
Sexy? It’s soo…. luscious and sensuous.
Healthy? You can find all of the ingredients at your favorite health food store; which is where you shop anyway, right? Some of you probably have everything you need already in your cupboards, or you will after you have tasted this, because your significant other will be asking you when you are going to make it again.

Guys and gals love it!

Let’s start with the ingredients:

1Cup flaked coconut. I buy this in bulk at my local health food store. It also comes packaged, but make sure there is no added sugar.

½ Cup organic cocoa powder. I like Green and Blacks but there are any number of great substitutes, again these powders do not contain any sugar they are pure ground cocoa nuts. And, we all know that cocoa is a great antioxidant.

4 Tablespoons organic coconut oil. I use Spectrum virgin. This is a good fat.

2 Teaspoons vanilla extract. Did you know that the vanilla bean or pod is the only edible fruit bearing orchid? Each flower opens for only one day and must be hand pollinated to produce a pod. So it’s worth every penny to get “dekine” [the best].

4 Tablespoons US grade A Maple Syrup. Dark amber is my favorite.

2 Pinches course sea salt. This ingredient may be surprising but it really makes a difference and seems to balance out the flavors, so don’t skip it.

Some optional ingredients are things like finely chopped nuts, dried fruit, or other extracts such as almond.

Now just mix all of the above together in a bowl until well blended. It should glistening and already be temping you to taste it.

But, there is one last phase.

Drop a teaspoon or tablespoon of ‘batter’ depending on how big you want your kisses onto a plate covered with wax paper, plastic wrap, or parchment paper.
This recipe makes about 12 – 16 depending on size and how much you consume in the process of making them.

Now pop them into the freezer for half hour or so until they become solidified.
Of course, you can make them the night before or hours earlier, as they can stay in the freezer indefinitely.

Serve them with strawberries, cherries, or dipped in whipped cream. Or, alone with your favorite coffee, liqueur, or port.

Bon Appetite !

marissa, the magic gardener

Saturday, January 9, 2010



Many of you may have wondered what that outrageous flower is that graces the front of this blog. Well, it is called Olena in Hawaiian, but you probably know it by its popular name, Tumeric. It is highly revered in both Hawaiian and Ayurvedic healing. The Hawaiians call Olena one of the 5 warriors, which are the herbs that go in and fight off infection or any dis-ease in the body (more on this later). Ayurvedic, which is the India methodology of healing, sees this herb as one with far reaching capabilities. So much so that it is recommended to be eaten at each meal. It is the herb that gives curry its wonderful golden color.

It grows similar to ginger, but, the plant is bigger and the root is smaller. The root resembles the knuckles with fingers spreading out. It is measured in this way, one finger, two fingers, etc. Unlike finicky ginger, Olena grows quite prolific in a warm spot with ample water. Not too much water, we don’t want it to rot. It has big spreading leaves and that gorgeous flower at its peak. You may break off any one of the fingers and plant it in the ground, or, even in a fairly large pot, and it will sprout in no time.

Because it is quite bitter you only need to use a little bit at a time. So, that brings up the question of what is the best way to store this humble looking root. Left at room temperature, it tends to shrivel up and dry out and lose it vitality. Left in the refrigerator for too long and it will mold and dry-up. The best way I have found is to put it in a plastic bag and freeze it. Then, when you are ready to use some in your curry or soup just take it out and micro-grate it into the mix. Don’t thaw it out. You need the hardness of the frozen root to be able to grate it. You can pop the rest back in the freezer for further use.

One of my favorite qualities of this divine plant is its extraordinary coloring effect.
Not only your curries become that bright yellow, but soup and stews take on a glorious golden glow. I also love to grate it into rice which transforms it into a special treat as it colors it a yummy butter yellow. You might call it the poor man’s saffron. Of course, it loves to color your fingers, counters, and cutting boards too, so just be aware of that when working with it.

You can also buy it powdered at any health food or Indian grocery, and to my knowledge it has the same effect. But, in my opinion, there is quite a bit of difference in its aliveness.

So, go ahead give it a try. The next time you see this root, Olena/Tumeric, and you give it a little scrape with your finger and this bright orange gold color is revealed, pick one up and start to experiment. Remember to put one finger in your garden, one in a flower pot, and put the rest in the freezer to reserve for the cooking pot.

You won’t be sorry, and the heath benefits are enormous, including, as the Indians say, immortality!

See you there!
marissa, the magic gardener