Yesterday afternoon, when the sun was streaming down on the table that houses my 46 newly planted, four inch flower pots, I took a picture and it was amazingly beautiful. What I heard was: this is the start of… these are the starts for, your Magical Garden.
I got tired of spending a fortune on seeds from local stores that never germinated. Instead I ordered organic open pollinated seeds from beautiful catalogs full of people involved with sustaining old heirloom seed varieties. I planted red sunflowers, orange cosmos, purple hollyhocks, and white and yellow Echinacea. I also planted some herbs that are hard to germinate like Hyssop, Tegetes, and Espesote. Today, one week later, they have all sprouted! That is amazing! They are all poking their little heads up and I am greeting them with Yeahhhhhhhh I’m so glad to see you!
Which reminds me of a story I read about a man who was having amazing results with the germination of his seeds. He did scientific experiments and published his results. A seed company approached him to try his methods. They duplicated everything he did and nothing happened. Absolutely nothing! So guess what was the missing link? They didn’t care about the seeds. They were detached and dispassionate about the whole thing, unlike the original experimenter who openly loved his seeds! Plants will do anything for love.
So don't forget to love your plants!
Much love,
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